If you have children together, it is important that you find ways to handle conflicts with your spouse and avoid a legal battle over custody and related issues. Psychologists have concluded that the children most badly hurt by divorce are the ones whose parents are in “high conflict.” These parents let their anger at one another affect their daily lives and relationships, instead of finding ways to limit and contain the marital conflict. The intensity of their emotions leads to constant conflict outside court and frequent involvement of the court, all of which can have a detrimental affect on the children for years to come.
Since there is very little in your life that will have equipped you for dealing with all of the difficulties of divorce, you will likely need to seek help. There is no shame in that. You may need professional counseling assistance and your children might too.
The Summit County Domestic Relations Court requires parents to attend a three-hour educational class called “Remember the Children.” Many local agencies offer parenting classes for parents and adults. If you would like further information, please contact me.