From the second you walk into a room with PR his goal is to change your reality.
He intends very specifically to alter how you see the world and the things you encounter every day.
He considers himself a wizard. He intends to put a spell on everyone he encounters.
Everything he does is intentional. His life has become a sort of performance art. From the way he dresses, to the way he talks, and of course, to the art he creates, PR spins you around in a whirling force of nature. He takes you on a ride through your world and shows it to you in a way you have never seen it before.
His favorite place to take you is your trash. Your junk.
He takes the junk you and the companies you buy things from and turns it back into something new, exciting and interesting.
Though college educated, he has always been most at home around junk. He grew up on his father’s scrap yard. He spent years as a professional demolition man.
He found beauty in things that others wanted removed permanently from their lives. This life-long pursuit has made him a highly sought after spokesperson on conservation, recycling and overarching environmental issues.
This site is featuring the art work of PR Miller. These pieces are for sale and available for delivery within the continental U.S.
His work ranges in price from $750 – $12,000.
If you would like to discuss his art or arrange to see his art in person please contact him at
Thank you so much for visiting our site. We hope you find it interesting and fun.
May you see the beauty in everything around you.